Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Next Meeting is July 9th

Good Morning Crossroads Beekeepers!!!
July 9th Meeting
The Crossroads Beekeepers will hold their next monthly meeting on Monday, July 9th, at 6:30 p.m. in the basement of the University of Illinois Extension Center, 1209 N. Wenthe, Effingham. Please enter through the west doors and go downstairs.
Dan Wright, Regional Apiary Inspector with the Illinois Department of Agriculture, will be presenting on the topic of "Preparing Honey for Judging at Honey Shows". Dan began beekeeping in 1967, has been an apiary inspector since 1972, a past Director of the Illinois State Beekeepers Association, and is the current President of the Illiana Beekeepers Association. In addition, he has been active in showing honey at the Illinois State Fair since the early 1970s and has judged several honey shows at county fairs. During his presentation, Dan will be explaining how to prepare all types of honey for judging at both the local and state level.
I'm looking forward to seeing all of you at the next meeting......p.s. the meeting place has air conditioning!!!
Keep an eye on your bees during this hot weather.
*** Do they have a water source?
*** Do they have enough food stores during this drought?
*** Do they have adequate ventilation in their hive?
*** And most important, DON'T OVER HEAT IN YOUR BEE SUIT!!!!!

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