Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Next Meeting September 10th

The Crossroads Beekeepers will hold their next monthly meeting on Monday, September 10th, at 6:30 p.m. in the basement of the University of Illinois Extension Center, 1209 N. Wenthe, Effingham. Please enter through the west doors and go downstairs.
David Dhom, beekeeper from Newton, will be presenting on the topic of removing established wild bee hives from people's homes, buildings, and trees. Dave is the Secretary of the Crossroads Beekeepers and has 9 years experience working with his wife, Lisa, managing 70-100 colonies of bees each year. Dave has been called upon numerous times over the years to remove problematic bees from people's property, and he will share with the club both suggestions for successful removal and proper financial compensation.
Bring a friend!!! Looking Forward to Seeing All of You at the Meeting!!!

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